Sunday 10 October 2010

Blog Pixies.

My word it's been almost a whole fortnight since I last posted a blog. "Poor form that man!" I hear you shout, or that could just be the neighbours beginning their whole row/violence/sex cycle again.

So yes my excuses.... I have only one (well maybe two), I have actually been too busy to post any updates. Shock horror! So to address that complete and utter lack of updates here is one covering the last two weeks;

First of all I have to confess I did not go to the exhibition preview dressed as a pirate. And for that I am deeply glad. Not I would like to stress because it would have been embarrassing but because it would have been wasted. The average physical age there was roughly mid forties with the mental age being closer to 120. The vast majority of people there were very much obviously patrons and sponsors of the museum itself as opposed to the artists who produced the work. It was a bit of a disappointment to myself but not as much as the announcement of the prizes and awards. I don't know if I won anything, honestly, because the announcements were themselves not announced. Hence when all the prizes and awards were given out I was at the other end of the exhibition studying a particularly fine watercolour, in another room altogether.
The whole experience was to be honest a bit of a disappointment and that brings me to my second reason for not writing a blog. Existential angst and the doubts of whether I want to carry on making Artist my career goal. (Especially after some overheard comments on one of my paintings, which were slightly blunted when I heard them making similar comments about several other paintings which were quite frankly superb).
The only positive aspect that I came away with is the fact that my paintings are hanging in a gallery with a very good reputation. Also the high calibre of the other works hanging on the walls. Please don't be put off by my disappointment of the preview night alone, the exhibition itself is well worth popping down to have a ganders at. Four large rooms full of paintings done in a variety of styles and mediums (mine are in the very end room by the door). The museum also host a fantastic selection of maritime models and a few other exhibitions by artists local to the Merseyside/Wirral/Cheshire area.

This angst and depression has all been swept aside now, and I am very much back on track to my usual manic self. This is in part due to the wonderful company of a certain few (you know who you are x), and also because of my new job. This year started with a redundancy from a job that I had not only been in for over four years; But was actively seeking advancement within the business, with some success already. It was not a good time for me and I will be honest, I thought I would never enjoy employment again. Up until I had this job none of my previous employments had made it past a full year, with many lasting days or even hours! Yet in my new job, which involves me getting up going to work and being back home all before my usual waking time, brings me a sense of joy that I have not felt all year (when it come to employment anyway).
Not only am I working in the book industry again, but I have already had fellow members of staff praising my work ethic and standards. Which just goes to show that if you really want good work from your employees you should only hire people who really enjoy what they are doing. Yet again in my life 'going to work' is not a joy but an actual pleasure. I can only hope than when the Christmas period is over that I am kept on as a permanent member of staff.

In other news my sticker trade group on is progressing nicely. When I founded the group early this year I did not imagine that we would be approaching our 200 member bench mark by the end of the year, (we may even surpass it after all there are still almost 3 months left!). There are several members who not just part of the group but an active part at that. And my idea of running friendly battles (pinched from other groups on dA I admit, but we were the first to concentrate on stickers only), has taken off fantastically with several amazing entries. To check it out click on the link on the right, at the bottom.

I know I know, "will this blog never end?", but just two more things. Promise.

So to the title of the blog; That's right the Blog Pixies have been busy adding two whole new things to the blog, both of which are interactive. The first is for this fantastic month of October only, and is found on the features link at the top of the page. Go check it out (after reading the rest of the blog first mind). A colouring competition featuring that little bad boy himself Wormy, this time he's celebrating Hallowe'en. Nice and simple colour the picture in and send me a copy at
Several prizes to be won including paintings for 1st, 2nd and 3rd (including goody bags). With 5 runners up claiming goody bags too, I will be posting some pictures of the contents of these goody bags later this week (suffice to say they are crammed full of Hallowe'en tricks and treats). This contest is open to everyone and I welcome as many entries as possible. No limits on choice of medium, age or even how many entries per person.

The Blog Pixies have also produced a nice handy countdown to that most important event in December....
Yes that is right the screening of the DOCTOR WHO CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! Each week in the run up to the event I will be posting a painting of a scene from the last series. I am a massive Doctor fan and immensely enjoyed Matt Smiths portrayal of such an iconic British figure. For those of you thinking "Ooooh I'd like one of those...." Then don't worry, all 12 of the paintings will be sold on ebay to raise money for charity in the new year. The full countdown and previews of the paintings can be found in the top right tab of this blog.

Finally the end, I do apologise that was quite a behemoth to read through. From now on I shall be a good boy and blog more often but with less length. There are other things I wanted to mention, such as commissions, sold paintings or even my time travelling adventure to 5067 in an attempt to stop the resurrection of a 70 foot high clone of Hitler. But unfortunately time and word count restricts such things, maybe that is a tale for another time....


1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you didn't invite me on your time travelling adventure! Poor show old boy, poor show indeed!

    I wouldn't listen to those guys in the gallery. You said yourself that they were saying the same things about some really great pieces of work. They just have big mouths, like to use them, and tend to say what they think the people around them want to hear. Keep painting!!! Someone obviously appreciates them for them to have been accepted! I've had some rotten reviews for my plays, and some pretty awesome ones too. I'm sorry you had to over hear someone saying bad stuff, instead of someone who knew what they were looking at! <3

    I've been doing the wormy picture for fun. I wont get it done in time for the deadline, so wont be entering but I'm enjoying myself. I'm doing it in paint so its a loooong process. lol.

    I'm really glad you're enjoying working in Waterstones so much! Fingers crossed they keep you on! You deserve it!!!
